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My order is not being delivered
Siste oppdaterte 4 år siden

If you have not seen any results yet:

All orders are processed automatically after we have received your payment. There is no manual approval needed. However, depending on the service and the quantity you have ordered, it may take a few hours/ days for the order to start. This happens when we receive many orders as our capacities are not unlimited.

However, we will start every order within seven days of purchase. Otherwise, you can request a full refund through our customer support.

Please do not contact our customer support if your order is not older than one day, as we can not speed up any orders. However, your order is already in the queue, and we will work on it as soon as possible.


If you have already seen the first results:

Mainly, we do not deliver everything at once, especially for bigger orders. It would harm your account and put you at risk of being banned. Suspicious behavior triggers the algorithm, and that is not what we are aiming for. Depending on the order size, it may take a few days or even weeks to be fully delivered. Usually, we can not speed up the delivery due to security risks. 

It is not possible to cancel or refund running orders.

We have years of experience providing social media services, and that is one of the most important things we have learned. As a result of our efforts, not even a single customer got banned due to our services. We do not recommend any service providers who deliver all orders instantly.

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